I hated meetings.
I thought they were a waste of time. In my mind, they kept me from getting things done. Meetings were an opportunity for everyone to come in talk about things that were easily solved, and then send me away with more work to do.
But things have changed.
I'm now in a place where I have to call meetings. They are how I get things done. Meetings are a chance for everyone to get on the same page, and for us to delegate out the tasks for the shared mission.
The main turning point for me was a training we received from the Table Group. They used the principles from Patrick Lencioni's The Advantage to outline the principles we need to follow to be a healthy team. They also gave us some practical tools to help improve our meetings.
Then, recently, I was reading a Times article that explained how to run an effective meeting. Then it hit me. I use the phrase "Meet with God" or "Meet with Jesus" to describe my prayer time. But just like I didn't like meetings, I didn't always like to pray. My meetings were ineffective. I dreaded those times for the same reasons I hated meetings before - because they were bad meetings.
With a bit of common sense, here are the principles that drive effective meetings: Review the Invite List, Reserve a Place, Set the Agenda, Start and End on Time, and Delegate Action Items.
A tool called The Hour That Changes the World has really helped me clarify these aspects in prayer. They have helped me meet with God. This tool breaks down an hour (or 30 minutes in my case) into different acts of prayer.
Review the Invite List
Through Praise and Worship and Waiting on the Lord, I have realized that I really am meeting with God when I am praying. The attendees are God and Lance.
In addition, it has helped me recognize that there are others who can participate. Even as my kids are around, this has helped me not see them as interruptions to my meeting with God, but this gives me a way to invite them in.
Yesterday, I was in the Listening part where I ask God what he would like for me to do today. Titus was in the sandbox, so I asked him. He said, "God wants me to pray." So at dinner, we had Titus pray for the meal. It was a beautiful demonstration of how God can meet with us and speak to all who are present.
Reserve a Place
Outlook reminds me to set a place for a meeting, because chaos and confusion breaks out if you don't set a place to meet. The same is true with God. Even though he is omnipresent - we are not. We need a place that is set aside for meeting with him.
My porch has become a wonderful place to meet with him early in the morning.
Set the Agenda
This has been the biggest change. The Hour that Changes the World has really set an agenda for my time in prayer. I have used other methods before, but I have never set a time to it. This agenda helps keep me on track and really does engage different parts of my spirit.
Praise and Worship and Thanksgiving help lift my heart to the Lord. Confession cleans my spirit as I receive forgiveness. Intercession and Petition allow me to unload the burden on my heart to the Lord.
Each day I have come to the Father through this, I have found that I am hearing more from him, and able to share what is on my mind without getting lost in the topics. What works well in business meetings, seems to work well in meeting with the Lord.
Start and End on Time
Timing is key. Starting on time is really important for my day.
Additionally putting times to each of the topics helps keep me focused, and keeps me from chasing too many rabbit holes. I use a timer called Seconds to set up the intervals so that it reminds me what is next.
Sometimes, I repeat a segment in case I need more time. But for the most part, I stick to the 2.5 minutes for each and spend 30 minutes in prayer.
Delegate Action Items
Meetings are successful if the team knows what to do next, and does it. Prayer is the same. As I give my heart to the Lord, and meet with him, there are things that I need to do.
The time to Listen has really helped solidify my To Do List for the day, and helped me see these as things God is calling me to do - not just good ideas I had.
I recommend trying this out for an hour or 30 minutes. I bet you will have more effective meetings with the Lord.