The mosquito, for example, seemed to me to have no real part in bringing glory to the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I failed to see how such an annoying pest could ever bring any glory to his Creator. One day I almost sarcastically asked Jared Townsley how the mosquito brought glory to God. Then, with a patranizing look in his eyes and gentle tone of voice he laid bare this wonderful truth:

Mosquitoes are insects which pierce the flesh of men to draw on their blood, and without this blood they will perish. This tiny pest preaches most clearly the truths of the Christian Gospel. We, mankind, like mosquitoes were a stentch in God's nostrils through our rebellion and sin. And we, just like mosquitoes, pierced the Son of God who became a man so that we might drink of His blood. After all, without His blood we will perish and be condemned through our own rebellion to eternal damnation. It is by His wounds that we are healed.
Therefore, may every mosquito bite, may ever forgotten can of deet, and every buzz in our ears remind our hearts and souls of the majesty and wonder of the Gospel, and the wisdom of the One who authored the story in Nature as well as His Word!
I wondered this too, actually. I have heard that they help herd (I forget exactly what but I think elk) up the mountains in summertime. The (whatever hooved animals) seek higher elevations to avoid the mosquitos but it also helps them not to die in the heat. I googled this and did not come up with anything so it could be complete hooey. However, it is possible that mosquitos' herding of bigger, more impressive animals is how they bring glory to God. They're the behind the scenes doers that impact the lives of so many other. I think there are lots of other parallels to the "little" guys who help push others in the limelight and help those in the limelight succeed. Presuming, of course, that the folks in the limelight bring glory to God.