What is so intriguing about this fact is that this means that both time and space were created. We must be careful here, though. For we cannot say that there was a time when time did not exist. Nor can we utter any other foolish quip such as "there was a time when space did not exist", because He created them simultaneously. How?
When God created light, He created the constant velocity. In creating velocity He defines the eternity of the world as we know it in time and space. The equation for velocity is: velocity = distance / time. So, by making a constant velocity, God created space and time! After all, for something to have velocity, it has to have somewhere to go. And if it travels from one place to another, time must pass if the velocity is finite (which the speed of light is). So when God said, "Let there be light" He did not merely make something that shines. No, He established the fundamental characteristics of our universe as we know it. He created dimensions which we understand as space and distance. He created succession of events which we call time.
Do you feel the weight of this thought? When God created light, He created movement. For lack of better language, when light began to exist, something moved for the very first time. Nothing had moved prior (Of course this is one of those muddled statements, because to speak of 'before' and 'prior' make no sense without the creation of light).
May our hearts and minds tremble at the greatness of our God who with a single statement created space and time.
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