The train of thought usually goes something like this: in each step of creation God creates something of higher order or beauty. Woman is the last thing he created. Therefore, women must be the highest or most beautiful creation of all. She is not to be disregarded as inferior, but regarded as the crown of creation.
The deduction is flawless, the premises are not. I agree that the beauty of women is something so captivating that only the glory of the Lord can trump it in the hearts of men. However, she is not the last thing the Lord created. On the seventh day, He rested. He made the seventh day a day of rest. The text says, He made it holy. He set it apart. He had another purpose in mind. Something so glorious that even woman in all her beauty could not compare. He made us for resting with him. It is the rest to which we look forward to and await in the return of Christ.
Not convinced? Unlike all of the previous days, which had a day and night, this day had no night (Gen 2:2). In Revelation 22, we see that in the eternal city there is no more night. The Lord Our God is our light. In addition Revelation 14:11, presents the opposite (eternal torment) as being a lack of rest day and night.
It took God six days to finish his work, and then rest. He has given us (mankind) all of history to complete our work, so that at its end, we may finally sit and rest with Him. So that we might too enjoy the eternal Sabbath rest. The great news is that Christ through his work on the cross, and already purchased us the right to enter into that rest now. We have the right to partake of the Spirit's rest-giving work from our merit-gaining labors. We have a blessed hope indeed.
So, sorry ladies. You really are great, but let's admit rest with God is what we were made for.
Our takeaways:
1. The Sabbath is created for us to remember how God rested
2. The Sabbath is to remind us of what we have to look forward to
3. The Sabbath reminds us of what we were really made for
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